Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Over the limit...Under Arrest!

So I'm guessing you have all seen that PSA against drunk-driving... where the 3 guys get busted for DUIs, and their vehicles are filled with their alcohol of choice, so when the door opens, or the window rolls down, it comes rushing out all over the officer.

Don't get me wrong, I think its a strong campaign, and well executed, there are just a few things that caught my eye :

First off, the execution is extremely stereotypical in its depiction of the 3 characters. The not-so-clean-cut guy, driving around in a beater truck, with a mesh hat, is showcased as driving light beer, the successful business man had a big night of dirty martinis, and the 3rd guy who doesn’t really come as flaming to any degree (but might as well be gay)…. Spills out a car load of cosmopolitans…

So 3 white guys, with 3 drinks unique flavors… In my opinion, if they were all about including the cosmo, maybe they could have considered using a woman. Women get DUIs too you know!

Secondly, Can you imagine the dismay of the guy who got assigned to the Cosmo car. I’m guessing he was just thrilled about the shit-storm his real life buddies would inevitably dish out when they happened across the commercial during a gathering for Monday Night Football.

I know it’s a serious subject, but I personally think they should have added a little more of a comical aspect.

They could have one guy decked out in a parka, with a scarf, and a wool cap, maybe with a slight shiver….sitting in an avalanche of frozen pina colada, with a few limes here and there, so people knew it was pina colada, and not simply snow.

Or better yet! They could have had what looked like a pool of pink cosmopolitan, but when the car door opened, rather than spilling out, the entire mass could have simply jiggled back and forth, as though the guy had just come from a wild night of jell-o shots. Maybe he could have been wearing one of those college acronym sweatshirts, just to drive home the fraternity cliché a bit more.

As you were…

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