Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let's apply what we've learned these past 5 years...

Does anyone think this whole financial bailout situation is eerily similar to the rush to war with Iraq?

Does it not feel like the fear-mongers that be are pressuring congress and the American people to rush into a "proposed" fix for the crisis at hand?

Does it not feel like we are on the brink of making another huge mistake which could easily cascade across generations much like the decision to invade Iraq?

Would it really be that bad to not finalize a bailout strategy by the end of this week?

Should this nation be rushing through a 700 million dollar plan to band-aid the current crisis?

After the blunders this administration has had over the past 8 years, wouldn't it almost be statistically prudent to do the opposite of whatever the bush administration recommends?

Does each American family really need the burden of shouldering 7-10K worth of bailout burden to "hopefully" fix this issue?

Is it possible that the free market should just let these companies fail, deal with the repercussions as they present themselves, and not get the govt involved to such a massive degree?

Isn't it funny how much more government meddling we have seen under a republican controlled administration who is so well known for its small government philosophies?

Is anyone even paying attention, or would that be too much trouble for today's onDemand mentality of the American people?


1 comment:

Unknown said...


It is a good analogy to compare it to the war with Iraq. I wonder if they came out in a couple years and said that there was no economic crisis.

I agree with the AIG bailout, but not the 700B one.

Let the economy fix it self. It may take longer, but the long term of it would be far better for the US and it's economy.