Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why McCain wont win over the informed independent

So much for the Straight Talk Express...

In that past 24 hours, both Cindy McCain, and Sarah Palin have aggressively attacked Barack Obama on his record for not voting to support funding the troops in Iraq.

While this is true, it is spun in such a despicable fashion, that it makes me sick, and makes me, a thoughtful moderate, want to fight against the McCain campaign even more.

The reality is, both Obama, and McCain have voted against legislation that *included* funding for the troops fighting in Iraq.

Obama voted against one piece of legislation, because it did not include a time-table for withdrawal, and McCain voted against another because it DID have a time-table for troop withdrawal.

And the simple reality is, it would be political suicide for any politician to outright say "I don't support our troops, and don't want to make sure they have what they need to stay safe in Iraq"

Now, as an educated and informed voter, I understand where both candidates were coming from, and how they both took different views on how they can *best* support our troops. And I don't possess the audacity to question either's Patriotism on the subject.

The part that drives me absolutely crazy is the fact that the McCain campaign is so self-righteous to presume that their own perception of how to best support the troops, is the only way to support the troops. They are apparently too stubborn to appreciate that Obama thinks the best way to support our troops, is to quickly work towards removing them from harm's way, by bringing a responsible end to the effort in Iraq, and bringing our troops home.

And if you recall during the primary season, Ron Paul, a Republican who opposed the
Iraq war effort more than any other candidate, on either side mind you, somehow managed to bring in more contributions from active military personnel than any other candidate.

So for McCain and his hench-women to attempt to prey on the uninformed independent voters by twisting the facts in their favor, is nothing more than sad, pathetic, and manipulative. But fortunately, I suspect the impact will be a negative one for the McCain campaign.

So to John, Sarah, and Cindy... do what you must, but know that voters like myself are onto you. And please stop blaming the main-stream media for calling you out on these remarkable tactics. They are not driving your campaign into the ground, you clearly have the wherewithal to do that all by yourselves.

And ironically, since the McCain campaign is smart enough to know that it cant win this election on any important issue, they have turned to attacks on Obama's character. But what will the voters think about McCain's character when they catch onto these underhanded tricks? you were

1 comment:

Ty Peterson said...

this is interesting and I did not know some of that. thanks Joe