Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I guess my days of abusing and neglecting Frazier are over!

So I just got back from a quick trip over to circuit city, to pick up a wall mount system for one of my TVs.

As I often do, I decided to take Frazier with me, cause like most dogs, not too many things top a good car ride when you are dog...

I knew pretty much exactly what I was looking for, and I was honestly in and out of the store in 10-15 minutes tops! (5:10-5:25pm)

Even so, I left the rear 2 windows down about 4 inches or so, so keep the air circulating, like I always do.

As I was loading my purchase into my car, I was approached by a smug rental cop security goofball as he communicated via his radio to an un-seen party.

What the F I thought... as my mind raced through all the possible misdemeanors and or felonies I may have unknowingly commited, as my heart started to race.

"Sir... is that your dog?"


"Well...some concern has been expressed regarding his well-being... he looks pretty hot back there, and he is panting"

"I just called them off, but animal control was on the way, and you could have been looking at $1000 fine if it was determined that the animal was distressed..."

Oh for fuck sakes!...

At this point I went from confused to livid. Did some jack-ass with nothing better to do actually take the time to create a scene within the 10-15 minutes I was in the store?!

Clearly this guy and whomever made the initial call for concern have not had much interaction with dogs.... YES! dogs pant...they look hot, but trust me, he is well taken care of...

You know what though...if it will ease your uneducated mind, I will rush him home, and get him into a full bathtub of ice cubes, much like Jean Claude Van Damme would do in Universal Soldier when he began to dangerously over-heat...

So stupid!

Maybe... MAYBE I would consider filing a complaint if I walked into a shopping center, saw a dog in a car, at high noon, with the windows rolled up, and then came out 60-90 minutes later, only to see the same scenario with the dog in the same car, with the windows up... but come on...10 minutes, at 5:30pm, with 2 windows down.... give me a friggin' break!

If what I did is in violation of Denver animal control laws, then what are my alternatives, keep him inside at all time, never satiate his desires to run errands with me?!

Is it a violation to take a dog on a walk during the summer months? Where is the line drawn?

This is such bullshit! I fully intend to get on the horn with Denver Animal control during business hours tomorrow to get to the bottom of this crap.

I am so aggravated! Even though a fine was averted this time, I still feel extremely violated.

...as you were

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, that is very lame indeed. I'm glad you got around the $1,000 fine that you could have got from that incident.

glad it all worked out for ya.