Tuesday, June 5, 2007

So I'm Lazy...

Well, after plenty of ridicule, I have finally decided to create a blog that, unlike my myspace blog, may actually be respected by the community...or at least by the handful of people that ridiculed me for using the myspace blog feature.

Anyway, that how I got here. And to be honest, blogspot was damn easy to set up.

That brings me another thing about me you might want to know, along the laziness theme. For as technical and digital as many of my friends and colleagues think I am, I'm fairly technically non-savvy, and I don't really care that much.

There are a few software programs I use well, or maybe not even well, but I produce professional results with....but beyond that, I generally a tech n00b. (at least I know what n00b means though.)

Other than that, I will mention that I love music, especially 80's and electronic. I basically have no shame, and I love a good word pun, which any of you who read this will come to realize very quickly. My apologies ahead of time.

In closing, I plan to use this blog for my rants, my ponderings, my theories, and I may even share some of my extensive experience and insights into the software development process, or things I have learned working in the field. I will also bring over some of the more popular blog postings from my myspace account overtime, I hope you don't mind. Thanks.

Other than that, enjoy, and try not to take offense to anything I might say, or any word I might 'mispell', or grammatical error I may done overlook. Oh, I also tend to use the ellipsis mark (...) quite often. Not sure why, I just think it looks good, and is the best way to articulate my pause of though.


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