Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Take your own life... get a free burrito!

Generally speaking... people are idiots.

It amazes me what people will do for something free.

Apparently today, Chipotle was giving away a free entree to anyone who brought in a canned good. When I first heard about it, I though it sounded like a swell idea! Chipotle organizes something good for society, earns a little good PR, some humanitarians get a free burrito, and the needy get some canned goods....

Then I saw the line at my local Chipotle...

I swear, the line was out the door, and around the building. I didn't hang around to count, but I'm guessing there were at least 70 people in line.

Now assuming 1 minute per person, give or take... that is an hour of waiting in line for a stinkin' burrito, or burrito bowl, if you are watching the carbs...

Have these people never heard of opportunity cost?!

Had I been all-in on the humanitarian part of the idea, I would have tossed my can in the cardboard collection box, and walked across the way to Noodles, where I could pay for a meal, that unlike my Chiptole burrito, would be ready for consumption before the less health conscious start thinking about heading to Taco Bell for 4th meal.

In addition, doesn't giving away an entire meal to someone who is normally on the giving side of the fence... rather than the people who are actually hungry.... kind of go against the purpose?

I have worked on the Chipotle online ordering system, so I know they have hundred of locations across the country. Lets say 500 for simplicity. And lets say that each of those 500 locations gets 200 do-gooders in the door. Thats 100,000 free meals, for the middle class....

I can only speak for myself, but if I were down and out... I would much rather take take on a massive chiptole burrito with some good fixins... rather than sip down a can of Manwich, or possibly some kidney beans.

Which brings me to my next point... How many of these yuppy do-gooders, snagged the crappiest can of crap from their walk-in pantry, as they figured a can of crap is a can of crap...

"I sure hope someone is hungry for a big helping of Campell's Cream of De BaƱo!"

So here we are... I started out this rant thinking that Chiptole and all its patrons were doing something nice for the community... and now I cant help but feel that Chipotle's efforts were misdirected, and all the people who took part in the publicity stunt were greedy, and basically just taking advantage of a chance for a free meal.

But don't feel bad if you did partake... as I too would have been right there at the sneeze-guard myself, had the line not been so outrageous... I'm merely making an observation of the world in which we live. :) you were.

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